Services & Treatments
Health Concerns and Topics Treated
Mood disorders
Anxiety disorders
Bipolar disorders
Trauma disorders (PTSD and cPTSD; developmental trauma, shock traumas including medical/surgical motor vehicle accidents, assault)
Obsessive-compulsive disorders and other related disorders (skin picking and hair pulling)
Personality disorders
Grief and Loss
Stress and life transitions
Emotional distress secondary to chronic pain
Sleep problems
Emotional dysregulation
Types of Treatment Approaches Offered
Somatic Experiencing
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Internal Family Systems
ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy)
Mindfulness and MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Psychotherapy Touch and Bodywork
NeuroAffective Touch Therapy
DART Therapy
Shame Reduction
DARE (Dynamic Attachment Repatterning)
Reiki/Energy healing
Psychotherapeutic SomatoEmotional Release Bodywork
Motivational Interviewing
PAP preparation (Psychedelic assisted psychotherapy preparation)
PAP integration (Psychedelic assisted psychotherapy integration)
and others